From fred
Date Fri, 22 Aug 2003 9:50 AM
intro to into the light mix
so if you've listened to the mix, you know by now that it focuses on
acoustic music. i really like the idea of a single person on stage, with
songs at their barest and most pure ... actually it's somewhat of an
obsession. this mix hopefully should prove that acoustic doesn't mean
bland. i'm def. not a fan of lame, generic, bloodless coffeehouse
warbling, and it amazes me the diff. sounds you can get from an acoustic
guitar (def. more so than a piano, imo).
aside from the acoustic bit i also wanted to generally pick people who
aren't that famous (some are people i know) and also people who really
sound like they know their instrument and come up w/ more interesting
things than just strumming the same 4 chords over and over again. also,
i've been wanting to do a mix where i have several songs by the same
people for some time. an ancillary point that came up is that the quality
of the recording doesn't matter a whole lot to me so long as it's
listenable, although i'm sure that for others it's a much bigger deal.
heh. that was short. this is prob. my most cohesive mix thus far. let me
know your thoughts!